"Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full
of trouble...Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with
thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass;" Job 14:1, 5
As Christians we should surrender ourselves to the ordained
will of God. If a soul fails to recognize the Sovereignty of God over
everything, then they will never understand God, life, death, or
anything else. People, especially Christians who have been saved by Gods grace
and the blood of His Beloved Son Jesus Christ must surrender to the fact that
God has ordained and controls everything. It is easy to get caught-up in life
and the world, but it is short and full of trouble, God said it was. We
often wonder why life is as it is, and sometimes ask can we do anything to
change it? The short answer is no, we cannot change life’s happenings no more
than we can change God’s ordained mind in prayer. Every life born on this earth
has their bounds set by God and you cannot pass that ordained time. This is a
biblical fact, it matters not who believes, accepts it, or understands it, the Sovereign
God Whom created creation also totally controls it. I know this brings a whole
world of questions by most but believe me it is an absolute fact. I cannot
answer why God allows abortion to happen, or why He has set the bounds of young
children so young. We do not need all the answers, we just need to understand
the sovereignty of God the best that God will allow us too. God said it was His
right to love Jacob and hate Esau, God did not need a reason because He went on
to say, “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but
of God that sheweth mercy.” Romans 9:16 God explains in detail that He
chooses whom He will without any assistance. No one can even be saved without
God’s power, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw
him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44 People have a desire
to believe that God wants everyone, that God needs people, that God cannot do
it by Himself, but those are all lies of the devil. God does not need anyone,
nor does God owe anyone anything. God asked this question, “Hath not the potter
power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and
another unto dishonour?” Romans 9:21 Is God just in creating Jacob to be
loved by Him and Esau to be hated by Him? God ask another question, “Even us,
whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?” Romans
9:24 Does God have to call all mankind to salvation, or does He choose whom to
call? If God called all mankind to salvation, then wouldn’t all mankind be
saved? See, it is this question that separates the believers of the Sovereign
God of creation from those that believe in the weak unable god that so many worships
today. What did Job mean when he said, “…thou hast appointed his bounds that he
cannot pass;” He means that God has ordained the life span of every soul that
is ever been conceived, even those aborted. This does not justify abortion, it
is murder, but so was the death of Jesus because they killed Him unjustly. They
did not kill Jesus because of any crime, they did not know that God ordained
Him to carry our sins to the cross, they killed Him because they wanted Him dead,
murder on their part, blood on their hands. Even though God had ordained His
death. “Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of
God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:” Acts
2:23 This tells us why Jesus died, it does not excuse the wicked act of murder,
just like abortionist will be guilty of murder. However, we as Christians must
understand that we control nothing, and that God controls it all. Everything is
covered by the ordained will of God, birth, death, salvation, troubles,
abortion, national and world elections, setting-up power and taking them down.
As Christians we must understand God’s Sovereign Will before we waste our time
fighting what God has ordained to be. So as Job wrote, “If a man die, shall he
live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change
come.” Job 14:14 I do not know what God has ordained for me, or what
tomorrow will bring, but I will patiently wait to see what God has ordained
for me. God said that life was short and full of troubles, why should
Christians expect different? “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him:
but I will maintain mine own ways before him.” Job 13:15 Though God has
ordained everything for me, I will still pray and give Him my supplications.
And ever how God answers my prayers are His will, and in that “…yet will I
trust in him…” even if He slay me. You cannot understand God if you do not
understand His Sovereign Will.