“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier
of Jesus Christ.” 2 Timothy 2:3
A Pastor is a warrior for Jesus Christ, Pastors are
examples just like Jesus was when He had His earthly ministry. The Local New
Testament Church is the only institution on earth that is set to bring glory to
God because Jesus her founder. As Pastors, Jesus called us names like
“under-shepherds, and overseers” and it is our responsibility to fill those
shoes. We all need to be as Christ-like as much we can no matter what happens
in the world or the churches. Any Pastor who does not love his flock above
everything else on earth is not a good Pastor. There is no question that we
were chosen above all other men to Pastor the church where we are at, and we
need to honor our calling as though it is an honor to have been called. We must
understand as “under-shepherds, and overseers” we are likened to a manager of a
business, caring for the owner’s commodities, which happen to be the children
of God. We cannot allow ourselves to be sidetracked by worldly affairs, Christ
Jesus has appointed us to oversee His beloved flock. It is true that hard
times will come, God promised that they would. And hard times will come the
more as a Pastor is more a stronger soldier for the Lord and His church.
Pastors, God has promised hard times in the last days, churches will shrink,
money will shrink, and many more things will cause hardships for Pastors. The
world will hate you, people in the world will despise you because of who you
are, and you will be refused and rejected many times over, even by others that
call themselves Christians. The Lord reminded us in verse 4 “No man that
warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please
him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” In this world Pastors and all
Christians must not engage themselves so much in worldly affairs that it
affects their churches. As a Pastor, we are only good as we are as under-shepherds,
and overseers, for it is the Lord’s work that was entrusted into our care. A
good Pastor never lets worldly things to come between him and his church, ever!
Not even the hardness’s we endure. As a Pastor I must work a secular job and I
must fight the world every day, keeping in sight my true responsibility to
Jesus and His church. Trusting that vengeance belongs to the Lord and not to me,
because what I do in the world reflects on the Lord’s church. We must all
endure hardships for the Lord, being a good example to those who serve with us
in the churches. Our reward is not here, it is not on this earth, it is laid-up
for us in heaven, awaiting us if we continue as the Lord has commanded. Paul
gave us the very reason to work and strive so hard in verse 4 “…that he may please
him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” Pleasing Him who elected us to be
under-shepherds, and overseers, where in the end He will say Job well done, “His
lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been
faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou
into the joy of thy lord.” Matthew 25:23 As Pastors and Churches let
us pray for one another, we are all in this fight for the Lord’s work together.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Be a good Soldier for Jesus Christ.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
6:51 AM