1 Timothy 3:15 “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”
This world is fill of special places to visit, see, and enjoy, God has indeed made a beautiful earth. But the most outstanding and most meaningful place for a Christian should be the local churches. The church was established by Jesus Christ during His earthly Ministry and continues to exist even today. Every church is different, their pastors are different, their song services are different, the people are different, and even their services are conducted different. But if that church is a church of Jesus Christ a church of the living God should be the same in Truth, while some may differ in the definition of truth, the Bible is the end results of truth. Truth is not what someone wants it to be, not what people interpret it to be, but what the bible says to be. Truth is being as closely aligned with the scriptures as possible, understanding no church is without error or perfect. The truth of the bible is given to churches as their scriptural guideline in their worship service. In other words, biblical truth has never changed, people and churches have changed, and the truth has suffered weakening in the world, but biblical truth is absolute through all generations until Jesus returns. Some Pastors and church have realized over the years in order to remain earthly strong, that is in size and money, you must evolve with the world over time. This has been the error of many churches through time, causing churches to fall from church status in the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ warned the churches that expanding in error for any reason is reason for expulsion for the entire church, all members are responsible. “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” Revelation 2:5 The churches greatest challenge is to remain solid in biblical truth, and it is the Pastors responsibility not to allow the church to wander or stray from biblical truth. The church is God’s, it is the Son’s body, and God called it the Pillar and Ground of truth but let us not forget it is called the “church of the living God”. This is important, it must remain God’s house and she must conduct herself as God’s house, and eventually Christ’s Bride. The church has the right to expulsion of her membership for not remaining in the truth, keeping out the leaven, but only Jesus Christ has the authority of an entire churches’ expulsion. Christians and churches must remain aware of our responsibility to God, Jesus, and the Holy Scriptures. As the Pillar and Ground of truth on this earth, Church members must be aware of our status in the churches, being a member is important and how we conduct ourselves as members is important. As members we all should examine ourselves to make sure we are the pillar and ground of truth that keeps the church in unity together, wearing our scriptural armor as churches just as Christians are to wear them. Every member has a great responsibility to be a part of the pillar and ground of truth, the church is the people and the people are responsible.